sculpt 1864, from Fr. sculpter, from L. sculpt-, pp. stem of sculpere "to carve." Related: Sculpted; sculpting. The older verb form was sculpture (1640s). sculptor 1630s, from L. sculptor, agent noun from sculpere (see sculpture). sculptur…
script late 14c., "something written," from O.Fr. escrit (Fr. écrit) "a writing, written paper," from L. scriptum "a writing, book, law, line, mark," noun use of neut. pp. of scribere "to write," from PIE *skreibh- (cf. Gk. skariphasthai "…
screen (n.) mid-14c., "upright piece of furniture providing protection from heat of a fire, drafts, etc.," probably from an aphetic (Anglo-French?) variant of O.N.Fr. escren, O.Fr. escran "a screen against heat" (early 14c.), perhaps from …
science c.1300, "knowledge (of something) acquired by study," also "a particular branch of knowledge," from O.Fr. science, from L. scientia "knowledge," from sciens (gen. scientis), prp. of scire "to know," probably originally "to separate…
scapegoat 1530, "goat sent into the wilderness on the Day of Atonement, symbolic bearer of the sins of the people," coined by Tyndale from scape (n.) + goat to translate L. caper emissarius, itself a translation in Vulgate of Heb. 'azazel …
catafalque 1640s, from Fr. catafalque (17c.), from It. catafalco "scaffold," from V.L. *catafalicum, from Gk. kata- "down," used in M.L. with a sense of "beside, alongside" + fala "scaffolding, wooden siege tower," said to be of Etruscan o…
say (v.) O.E. secgan "to utter, say," from P.Gmc. *sagjanan (cf. O.S. seggian, O.N. segja, O.Fris. sedsa, M.Du. segghen, Du. zeggen, O.H.G. sagen, Ger. sagen "to say"), from PIE *sokei-, probably from base *seq- "point out" (cf. Hitt. shak…
other O.E. oþer "the second, one of the two, other," from P.Gmc. *antharaz (cf. O.S. athar, O.N. annarr, Ger. ander, Goth. anþar "other"), from PIE *an-tero-, variant of *al-tero- "the other of two" (cf. Lith. antras, Skt. antarah "other, …
save (v.) early 13c., "to deliver (one's soul) from sin and its consequences;" mid-13c., "to deliver or rescue from peril," from O.Fr. sauver, from L.L. salvare "make safe, secure," from L. salvus "safe" (see safe (adj.)). Meaning "store u…
Sarah fem. proper name, Biblical wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac, from Heb., lit. "princess," from sarah, fem. of sar "prince," from sarar "he ruled," related to Akkad. sharratu "queen." Popular as a name for girls born in U.S. in 1870…
same perhaps abstracted from O.E. swa same "the same as," but more likely from O.N. same, samr "same," both from P.Gmc. *samon (cf. O.S., O.H.G., Goth. sama; O.H.G. samant, Ger. samt "together, with," Goth. samana "together," Du. zamelen "…
( c-2 ) 主観的差異は 時間差のみか? そう言えるか。 人びとのあいだで世界が見えるその位相の違い これは 人の意志行為(志向性)が時間的に自己表現としておこなわれるからには 表現をめぐる読み取りつまりは意志疎通としては そこにおのづから時間的な…
tabula rasa 1530s, "the mind in its primary state," from L. tabula rasa, lit. "scraped tablet," from which writing has been erased, thus ready to be written on again, from tabula (see table) + rasa, fem. pp. of radere "to scrape away, eras…
salute (v.) late 14c., earlier salue (c.1300), from L. salutare "to greet," lit. "wish health to," from salus (gen. salutis) "greeting, good health," related to salvus "safe" (see safe). The noun is attested from c.1400 as an utterance, ge…
saint early 12c., from O.Fr. seinte, altering O.E. sanct, both from L. sanctus "holy, consecrated" (used as a noun in L.L.), prop. pp. of sancire "consecrate" (see sacred). Adopted into most Germanic languages (cf. O.Fris. sankt, Du. sint,…
(1) ヒトの定義から入ります。 その昔 土地を囲ってここはおれの所有になるものだと宣言したと想定してみた場合 人間ということに関して前提とするべき公理に ふたつあると思います。 (α) 主戦論を採るヒト:奪い合い・競争としての社会交通 (ω) 非戦…
Sabbath O.E. sabat "Saturday," observed by the Jews as a day of rest, from L. sabbatum, from Gk. sabbaton, from Heb. shabbath, prop. "day of rest," from shabath "he rested." The Babylonians regarded seventh days as unlucky, and avoided cer…
Sabaoth early 14c., from L.L., from Gk. Sabaoth, from Heb. tzebhaoth "hosts, armies," plural of tzabha "army." A word translated in O.T. in phrase "the Lord of Hosts," but originally left untranslated in N.T. and "Te Deum" in the designati…
§ あえて今 《真善美の一致》という主題について 大きく申せばわたくしの場合 主観を基礎および原点に据えるのですから 一方で 審美の基準は人それぞれであるというのは そのまま含みとしてそのとおりです。しかももう一方で 人の共通感覚なる仮説にもとづく…
proton 1920, coined by Eng. physicist Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) from Gk. proton, neut. of protos "first," supposedly because hydrogen was hypothesized as a constituent of all the elements. The word was used earlier in embryology (1893)…
subject (n.) early 14c., "person under control or dominion of another," from O.Fr. suget, subget "a subject person or thing" (12c.), from L. subiectus, noun use of pp. of subicere "to place under," from sub "under" + combining form of iace…
epistemology "theory of knowledge," 1856, coined by Scottish philosopher James F. Ferrier (1808-1864) from Gk. episteme "knowledge," from Ionic Gk. epistasthai "know how to do, understand," lit. "overstand," from epi "over, near" (see epi-…
substance c.1300, "essential nature," from O.Fr. substance (12c.), from L. substantia "being, essence, material," from substans, prp. of substare "stand firm, be under or present," from sub "up to, under" + stare "to stand," from PIE base …
I 12c. shortening of O.E. ic, first person singular nominative pronoun, from P.Gmc. *ekan (cf. O.Fris. ik, O.N. ek, Norw. eg, Dan. jeg, O.H.G. ih, Ger. ich, Goth. ik), from PIE *eg-, nominative form of the first person singular pronoun (cf…
人類は神の義によって 悪魔の権能の中へ引き渡されたのである。 (三位一体論 13・12)
apodictic "clearly demonstrated," 1650s, from L. apodicticus, from Gk. apodeiktikos, from apodeiktos, verbal adjective of apodeiknynai "to show off, demonstrate," lit. "to point away from" (other objects, at one), from apo "off, away" (see…
future (adj.) late 14c., from O.Fr. futur, from L. futurus "going to be, yet to be," as a noun, "the future," irregular suppletive future participle of esse "to be," from PIE *bheue- (see be). The English noun (late 14c.) is modeled on L. …
wikipaed. Love and the "Phenomenological Attitude" When the editors of Geisteswissenschaften invited Scheler (about 1913/14) to write on the then developing philosophical method of phenomenology, Scheler indicated a reservation concerning …
be O.E. beon, beom, bion "be, exist, come to be, become, happen," from P.Gmc. *biju- "I am, I will be." This "b-root" is from PIE base *bheue- "to be, exist, grow, come into being," and in addition to the words in English it yielded German…
essence late 14c., essencia (respelled late 15c. on French model), from L. essentia "being, essence," abstract noun formed in imitation of Gk. ousia "being, essence" (from on, gen. ontos, prp. of einai "to be"), from essent-, prp. stem of …