


oologize, v.

Forms: 18 oologize, 18 oölogize.
Etymology: < OOLOGY n. + -IZE suffix.

Obs. rare.
1. trans. To take the eggs from (a bird's nest).



The branch of zoology that deals with the study of eggs, especially birds' eggs.


ωιον : an egg< avis

egg (n.)

mid-14c., from northern England dialect,
from O.N. egg, which vied with M.E. eye, eai (from O.E. æg) until finally displacing it after 1500;
both are from P.Gmc. *ajja(m) (cf. O.S., M.Du., Du., O.H.G., Ger. ei, Goth. ada),
probably from PIE *owyo-/*oyyo- "egg" (cf. O.C.S. aja, Rus. jajco яйцо, Bret. ui, Welsh wy, Gk. oon, L. ovum); possibly derived from root *awi- "bird."

fowl (n.)

O.E. fugel "bird," representing the general Germanic word for them,
from P.Gmc. *foglaz (cf. O.Fris. fugel, O.N. fugl, M.Du. voghel, Du. vogel, Ger. vogel, Goth. fugls),
probably by dissimilation from *flug-la-, lit. "flyer,"
from the same root as O.E. fleogan, modern fly (v.1).
Originally "bird;" narrower sense of "domestic hen or rooster" (the main modern meaning) is first recorded 1570s;
in U.S. also extended to ducks and geese. As a verb, O.E. fuglian "to catch birds." Related: Fowled; fowling.


O.E. bird, rare collateral form of bridd,
originally "young bird, nestling" (the usual O.E. for "bird" being fugol),
of uncertain origin with no cognates in any other Germanic language.
The suggestion that it is related by umlaut to brood and breed is rejected by OED as "quite inadmissible." Metathesis of -r- and -i- was complete 15c.