


Psa 42:6 O my God, my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar.
Lexicon / Concordance for Psalms 42:6

42:7אֱֽלֹהַי עָלַי נַפְשִׁי תִשְׁתֹּוחָח עַל־כֵּן אֶזְכָּרְךָ מֵאֶרֶץ יַרְדֵּן וְחֶרְמֹונִים מֵהַר מִצְעָֽר׃

English (KJV) Strong's Root Form (Hebrew) Tense
O my God, h430 אלהים 'elohiym

my soul h5315 נפש nephesh

is cast down h7817 שחח shachach

within me: therefore will I remember h2142 זכר zakar

thee from the land h776 ארץ 'erets

of Jordan, h3383 ירדן Yarden

and of the Hermonites, h2769 חרמונים Chermowniym

from the hill h2022 הר har

Mizar. h4706 מצער Mits`ar

41:7  πρὸς  ἐμαυτὸν  ἡ  ψυχή  μου  ἐταράχθη  διὰ  τοῦτο  μνησθήσομαί  σου  ἐκ  γῆς  Ιορδάνου  καὶ  Ερμωνιιμ  ἀπὸ  ὄρους  μικροῦ