


Activities of the Buddha from the 6th - 32nd Rain Retreat

The 9th Rain Retreat

Lord Buddha accepted the request from millionaire Gosoka to take the retreat at Temple Gosidharam, which was built by Gosoka at Gosamphy City. King Oudhen ruled the City. During his retreat Lord Buddha blessed Princess Magandhiya who hired people to swear and curse Lord Buddha as well as to burn the residence of Princess Samavady who was burnt to death. Because of her bad karma, Princess Magandhiya was later executed.

  • The History of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

La 9e retraite de la pluie

Seigneur que Bouddha a accepté à la demande de Gosoka millionnaire pour prendre la retraite à Temple Gosidharam qui a été construit par Gosoka à Gosamphy City. Roi Oudhen a gouverné la Ville. Pendant son Seigneur de la retraite Bouddha a béni Princesse Magandhiya qui a embauché des gens pour jurer et maudire le Seigneur Bouddha aussi bien que brûler la résidence de Princesse Samavady qui a été brûlé à mort. À cause de son mauvais karma, Princesse Magandhiya a été exécuté plus tard.