


DEFINITION: To see. Oldest form *∂зekw-, colored to *∂зokw-, zero-grade *∂зkw-.
Derivatives include eye, daisy, window, inoculate, and autopsy.

  1. a. eye; daisy, from Old English age, eye; b. walleyed, window, from Old Norse auga, eye; c. ogle, from Low German oog, oge, eye. a–c all from Germanic *augn- (with taboo deformation).
  2. . Suffixed form *okw-olo-. a. eyelet, ocellus, ocular, oculist, oculus, ullage; antler, inoculate, monocle, oculomotor, pinochle, from Latin oculus, eye; b. inveigle, from French aveugle, blind, from Gallo-Latin compound *ab-oculus, blind, calqued on Gaulish exs-ops, blind.
  3. . Form *okw-s. ceratopsian*1, metopic, myopia, nyctalopia, Pelops, phlogopite, prosopography, prosopopoeia, pyrope, triceratops, from Greek ps, eye (and stem *op-, to see).
  4. . Suffixed form *okw-ti-. opsin, –opsis, –opsy; autopsy, dropsy, iodopsin, rhodopsin, synopsis, from Greek opsis, sight, appearance.
  5. . Suffixed form *okw-to-. optic; diopter, optoelectronics, optometry, panoptic, from Greek optos, seen, visible.
  6. . Suffixed form *okw--. metope, from Greek op, opening.
  7. . Suffixed form *okw-m. ommatidium, ommatophore, from Greek omma (< *opma), eye.
  8. . Suffixed form *okw-tro-. catoptric, from Greek katoptron, “back-looker,” mirror (kata-, down, back; see kat-).
  9. . ophthalmo-; exophthalmos, from Greek ophthalmos, eye (with taboo deformation).
  10. . Zero-grade form *kw-, in compounds (see ant-, ter-, ghwer-). (Pokorny ok- 775.)

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*1:cer·a·top·si·an : Any of various herbivorous quadrupedal ornithischian dinosaurs of the suborder Ceratopsia of the late Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, having a bony frill covering the neck, a beaked mouth, and one or more horns on the head.[From New Latin Certpsia, suborder name : Greek keras, kert-, horn; see ker-1 in Indo-European roots + Greek ps, eye, face; see okw- in Indo-European roots.]


もくじ→2006-03-23 - caguirofie060323

第五日 ( nn ) (社会または《歴史》)

――《中位情況》という観点にも触れるならば 日常生活たる中位上昇的な縮小 および 政治たる《疎外》(これは 疎外=表現の形態として 身分制とも考えられるし 疎外の中の帰同をそこに見て〔なぜなら これが 善の交通整理をおこなう〕 民主化とも考えられます)の中位への下降的な縮小 これらの両契機の中位縮小化の集中が それであったのですから おそらく この両契機の・従ってそれらの構成している形式の 縮小という点が 度量の縮小ということであり それは 超度量と度量とが 逆転・倒立しているからだと考えられます。
