◆ 最近のコメントは 10月28日以降のものとして つぎのコメント欄にあります。
⇒ 2012-08-08 - caguirofie 2012.08.08
2012-08-28 - caguirofie 2012.08.28
2012-09-19 - caguirofie 2012.09.19
2012-09-24 - caguirofie 2012.09.24
2012-09-26 - caguirofie 2012.09.26
2012-09-27 - caguirofie 2012.09.27
2012-09-28 - caguirofie 2012.09.28
2012-09-29 - caguirofie 2012.09.29
2012-10-19 - caguirofie 2012.10.19
2012-11-11 - caguirofie 2012.11.11
2012-11-09 - caguirofie 2012.11.09
《最近のコメント》欄での表示がぜんぶは出ないので ここにしるします。
1. pain, affliction, distress, pain from disease, anguish
2. in Yoga philosophy five klesas are named:
a-vidya ( ignorance )
asmi-ta ( egotism )
raga ( desire )
dvesha ( aversion )
abhinivesa ( tenacity of mundane existence )
3. Buddhists reckon ten:
three of the body ( murder, theft, adultery )
four of speech ( lying, slander, abuse, unprofitable conversation )
three of the mind ( covetousness, malice, soceptism )
4. wrath, anger, worldly occupation, care, trouble,
1. to torment. trouble, molest, cause pain, afflict,
2. to suffer, feel pain,
3. to be sinful