


  • -ta / -na


  • -ana: 名詞化接辞


  • va- ( to blow )> va-na: blown
  • va- > va-ana: blowing

ただし な行の子音 / n / 系には 四つあり。

  • ng
  • gn
  • ny
  • n

vana: sound, noise
vana: a forest, wood, grove, thicket, quantities of lotuses or other plants growing in a thick cluster( but in older language also applied to a single tree )
/ plenty, abundance,
/ a foreign or distant land
/ wood, timber
/ a wooden vessel or barrel (for the Soma juice )
/ a cloud (as the vessel in the sky )
/ the body of the carriage
/ water, fountain, spring
/ abode
/ longing, earnest desire
/ name of a son of Usinara
/ one of the 10 orders of mendicants founded bu Samkaracarya
/ the piece of wood usede for kindling fire bu attrition
vaana: sounding, arrow, music, harp
vaana: 1. dried; dried fruits
 2.weaving a mat of straw
3.a hole in the wall of the house intelligent man
 5. a dense wood

 ○ nir-√vaa : blow (as of wind) cease to blow; to be blown out or extinguished; be allayed or refreshed or exhilarated

 ○ nir-vaana :
  (過去分詞): blown or put out;
 extinguished (as a lamp or fire);
 set (as the sun );
 calmed; tamed;
 dead(= having the fire of life extinguished );
 lost, disappeared;
 plunged, immersed;

 (名詞): blowing out, cessation, vanishing, disappearance;
  extinction of the flame of life
 (with the Buddhists and Jainas) absolute extinction or annihilation ( = sunya );
  perfect calm or repose