



1.5 million people live in Eesti (Estonia), 61.5% Estonians, 30% Russians. Since 1940, large numbers of people have immigrated into Estonia from parts of the Soviet Union, specially in the 60s and 70s. Their lingua franca usually is Russian and they make up the vast majority of the present-day non-Estonian population. They have mainly settled in the big industrial cities of the North-East (Narva, Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi), the capital Tallinn and the town and peninsula of Paldiski. Besides that, there is also an original Russian minority in Estonia, as well as a Swedish minority, and an Estonian group, the Voro-Setu, linguistically distinguished.

Eesti edo Estonian 1.5 milioi lagun, % 61.5% Estoniarrak, %30 errusiarrak. 1940tik, etorkin asko joan ziren Estoniara Sobiet Batasuneko beste toki batzuetatik, bereziki 60etan eta 70etan. Errusiera da haien hizkuntza eta orain estoniar ez direnen gehiengoa errusieraz mintzo da Estonian. Ipar ekialdeko hiri industrialetan kokatu dira batez ere (Narva, Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi), Tallinn hiriburuan eta Paldiski hiri eta penintsulan. Bestalde, bada Estonian jatorrizko gutxiengo errusiar zahar bat, baita gutxiengo suediarra ere, eta hizkuntzaz desberdintzen den Voro-Setu azpitalde estoniarra ere bai.