la providence
は 社会における人間関係をとおして はたらいている。
よき方向へであるのだが 場合によれば 試練に遭う事態をも含む。いづれも la Providence である。
hosanna (an Aramaic expression meaning "help, I pray" or "save, I pray," but which had become a strictly liturgical formula of praise) a shout of praise or adoration - "hosanna; blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord" Mark 11.9; "hosanna in the highest" Mark 11.10; "hosanna to the Son of David" Matt 21:9. Mt 21.9 may also be rendered as "praise to you, Son of David" or "we praise you who are the Son of David" or "...a descendant of David."
( wikipedia )